Saving Earth and the Ocean
One Shark at a Time
Saving Earth and the Ocean
One Shark at a Time TEENS 4 SHARKS
Saving Earth and the Ocean
One Shark at a Time TEENS 4 SHARKS
Saving Earth and the Ocean
One Shark at a Time
Sharks play a vital role in the ecosystem, but are dangerously close to extinction. With your help, we can make progress in the conservation of sharks.
Get Involved
Why You Should Care
Why You Should Care
You don't need to dive with sharks, be a millionaire, or a marine biologist to help. There are several ways to participate and collaborate -- click on the icon know more.
About Us
Why You Should Care
About Us
We are an organization created and run by teenagers. We are passionate about the environment, we love sharks, and we believe is up to our generation to save them.